SYFY's Resident Alien is back with more comedy and more drama on season 2! Based on a comic book series of the same name, Resident Alien follows an alien whose mission is to destroy all life on earth. Before he can complete his mission his ship crash lands in Patience, Colorado, and he must find the lost parts of his ship so he can destroy earth and go home. To stay incognito, he takes on the human form of a local resident, Dr. Harry Vanderspiegle (Alan Tudyk) and is roped into a murder investigation of the town doctor. The show follows Harry's adventures as he searches for pieces of his lost ship, discovers kindness and the humanity of the human species, all while planning revenge on his archnemesis, a young boy named Max (Judah Prehn) who can see through his human cloaking device.
my role
- Create mood boards and asset capture plan for each talent.
- Conceptualize key art. 
- Direct talent in photoshoots. 
- Oversee and direct out of house agency with the completion of key art. 
- Resize and rearrange key art for print and social material. 
- Design and develop marketing collateral for Resident Alien 2 Midtown Comics campaign. 
For the mood board I concentrated heavily on the (UFO) lightning above since I knew it was going to be an important asset for the key art.  
The out of house agency we to used sketched up the ideas we had in mind for the key art. 
An example of how the asset capture I created for each talent was used in reference.
This is an example of some of the photos that were captured. Besides shooting talent, we also concentrated on shooting plates for key art composition.
MIDTOWN COMICS resident alien 2 campaign
For this project, I was in charge of designing print assets for the Midtown Comics store on 7th avenue in Manhattan. I selected, retouched, and composited the Harry standee along with the backdrop. I also set up the key art to print in various sizes for a variety of print collaterals.
I love seeing the ideation process come to life. This project not only allowed me to design awesome stuff; It also allowed me to art direct! From the development of key art concepts, to managing cast in photoshoots and developing and creating a marketing campaign, I learned through each process! Due to this extensive campaign, time was against me in many instances. However, I was able to finish everything successfully.  

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