Netflix is preparing for the release of their new German historical action series about the battle of Teutoburg forest in 9 AD. The show follows Germanic tribes who try to stop the evolution of the Roman Empire. 
 The client wanted to see 2-3 different concepts exploring this era in a dynamic and captivating photo composite that makes us feel like we are in the middle of the war with some of the tribes. For this project, I designed three different concepts, each very different from one another. The mood board I developed contains screen grabs from the series, historical armor, and the setting in which the battle took place. 
The Challenge
 This project's challenge was finding the right images to composite with one another to fulfill the brief. I decided to watch the series to get a better understanding of the story for more ideas. I felt that watching Barbarians helped me tremendously in designing the chosen composition.
Alternative designs
images used
 After watching the series, I decided to use Arminius as the prominent figure of the composition. Arminius is one of the main protagonists in Barbarians. He is known as the Cherusci Germanic tribe's chief and was a skillful fighter as he survived a full-scale Roman attack. The chosen composition shows how fearless and untouched Arminius is in the midst of the epic battle. His gear is also significant in showing he is on the Barbarian's side, even though he had previously worked for
the Romans.
Thank you

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