SYFY is releasing a brand-new comedy series that deals with wacky puppets, movie reviews and R-rated content. A pair of puppets that go by Deb and Wade talk about the biggest genre blockbusters ever released. Witness the hilarious commentary and questions no other movie
critics will ask.
critics will ask.
For this project, my role was to create a key art image using approved images for The Movie Show. The Image composition needed to include the show's name, tagline, and date of the official launch. As for the design, SYFY wanted an image that demonstrates the puppet's texture while also showing the explosive reviews that come along with them.
The challenging part of this project was deciding whether there were too many objects in the composition. My main focus was Deb, Wade, and the logo. The surrounding objects add on to the variety of content in this show. While researching, I came across other compositions that are busy but still have a noticeable hierarchy element.
Images captured by SYFY for composition.
To complement the design brief for this project, I decided to have Deb and Wade in the foreground and a dramatic background that demonstrates the series' craziness. I also focused on the noise of composition to bring out the texture of the puppets.